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Friday, October 19, 2007

Eby: Arts Entertainment Builds Community and Supports Schools

On Oct. 17th and 18th the Greater Cincinnati Performing Arts Society (GCPAS) held its initial concert event. Featured artist Tommy Emmanuel rocked the St. Xavier Theatre with his Grammy award nominated music. Each evening was sold out. Both St William School in Price Hill and St. Catharine in Westwood will benefit from the proceeds of this concert. Community building, arts entertainment, and financial support for quality neighborhood schools were all achieved in one evening.

GCPAS is the brain child of Pete Ellerhorst and a dedicated group of volunteer board members. I am proud to serve as an advisor to this group offering organizational and event planning skills. As a graduate of St. William and as a parent of two St. Catharine students my time is well spent with this group.

Concert goers were thrilled by Tommy Emmanuel's performance. Tommy covered bluegrass, rock, smooth jazz, country, and aboriginal music from his native land, Australia. "Who needs a band when you have a guitar," was his rallying cry to wildly enthusiastic fans. His song of homage to Chet Atkins (the Chief) was a poignant reminder of how music binds us together and soothes the soul. For two hours he raised us up to places far beyond Cincinnati. The GCPAS will offer nine more concerts over the course of the next year.

This is exactly the type of neighborhood organization and type of event that City Council must support. We must attract quality entertainers at affordable prices so that families throughout our city may come together to build a greater Cincinnati. Thanks Pete and GCPAS for making the arts come alive while supporting neighborhood schools and quality education.

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at 8:46 PM, October 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 10:41 AM, October 22, 2007 Blogger Westside Resident said...

Anonymous 8:46 pm

The Greater Cincinnati Performing Arts Society is a non-profit organization that receives no city money. Their funding comes strictly from private donors and sponsors. Schools private or public are part of the basic fabric of our neighborhoods. For our neighborhoods to thrive both public and private schools have to succeed. Great communities have great schools - public and private.

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