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Thursday, October 18, 2007

John Eby: Council Salaries

Bill Stone, Over-the -Rhine, asked:
The salaries of City Council members are a slap in the face to people who work full-time jobs for less money. I am a teacher with a master's degree, and I'd be thrilled to make $60,000.

43-Year Old Westwood Resident, Westwood, asked:
When is Cincinnati City Council members going to cut their salaries (be fiscally responsible) as some promised in their last running for their seat?

My Response:

Bill and “Westwood Resident” I agree with you, Mr. Monzel, Mr. Berding and Ms. Ghiz - we should cut council salaries. Unfortunately, as others have stated, six council members would have to bring that issue before council. Currently only three have stated their support for cutting salaries.

I believe that City Council should act and perform more like a board of directors. The role of City council should be to:

  • To work cooperatively with the Mayor (CEO) to create a vision for a greater Cincinnati.
  • Set public policy to attain that vision.
  • Articulate that vision and policy clearly to the City Manager (COO).
  • Provide the City Manager / Administration with the necessary budget to succeed.
  • Hold everyone accountable for the outcome.

The last thing we need are full time city council members micromanaging / bogging down the city Manager, Administration department heads and city employees.

This is what I want to from my City Council. Please visit www.johneby.com for more information about me and my campaign.


at 2:02 PM, October 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Eby, for your response to my question. It is a real shame that Cincinnati City Council Members do not realize how much their position is over-funded. Appreciate your honest and open response. Hope you win on November 6th! You can count on my vote.

The other part to my question has been either overlooked and/or nobody wants to answer it. The question was whether or not the City employees pay into their health insurance benefits. Do they or not? Please advise, and thank you again.

at 9:54 PM, October 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mentioned a ton of things that City Hall needs to accomplish. But you failed to mention improving the basic services of trash collection, road repair, and supplying a good police force. It looks like full time Council is what we need. Too much work for the part time guys.

at 11:06 PM, October 18, 2007 Blogger Westside Resident said...

Full time council members are not the answer to organizational efficiency and accountability. The Mayor and City Council set the course for the city through policy. The City Manager - whose job it is to ensure that ALL departments are working effectively and efficiently - carries out that policy. Accountability is everyone's job. Starting with the Mayor's office all the way down the chain of command.

God help us if full time politicians try to instruct a full time, professional, GOOD Cop on how to do their job.

at 11:26 PM, October 18, 2007 Blogger pavelish said...


The Mayor is never home and the City Manager admits that the workforce is disgruntled and disorganized. We have dept. waste out of sight and in EVERY department and if it takes "micro-managing", as you call it, in MY CITY to get it RIGHT then that is what we need . We have a tremendious duty to do what is right for our people and this part time, politics playing bullcrap is a disgrace. And this part time government has diminished MY CITY and it is not right that I am turning over a diminished city to my grandchild and someday yours... And John, you are a native Cincinnatian. You should be leading the fight for full time leadership. I love you man, and you are a good man. God has blessed you well.


at 11:26 PM, October 18, 2007 Blogger pavelish said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

at 1:02 AM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, do you wish to condemn Leslie Ghiz for breaking her promise to seek to cut Council salaries? We sure don't need any more politicians who break their word.

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