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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cecil Thomas: Council and the School Board

The Charter is clear concerning lines of authority relative to the School System. Council has no legislative authority. However, this does not prevent Council from working with the School Board and the Superintendent on matters of mutual concern. Council member Monzel, as Chairman of the Education and Health Committee, of which I am a member, has reached out to the Board and established joint quarterly meetings. This dialogue has proven very fruitful. In conjunction with the Board and Superintendent, I introduce the concept of a Truancy Hotline and Council member Monzel sponsored the first ever joint Child Safety Summit. Both items are now a part of CPS. The Cincinnati Recreation Commission is also collaborating with the Board and Superintendent to design new schools at or near community centers to create Community Learning Centers. Douglas, Mt. Washington and Bond Hill elementry are just a few examples. It is this type of continuous collaboration that will help improve our school system. Rather than sit back and complain about the problems, it is better to try and find solutions.


at 8:26 PM, October 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we know who else the blame in the public school circus

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