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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Council Salaries

On the question of Council salaries.

Although it is a part time position, I treat it as full time. I'm usually in my office by 10:00 am and out by 5:30 or 6:00. I spend a tremendous amount of time reading over documents and listening to citizens concerns. I have an open door policy simply because I care about the needs of the City and those living in it. Unlike many of my constituents, Mr Crowely and I are retired. This luxury gives us additional time to spend at City Hall, even though it isn't required. I also work Monday through Friday but I try to keep my Fridays light. On occasions, regardless of the hour, I will respond to the scene of a very serious crime, police involved shooting or major fire. I also try to attend the neighborhood community council meetings whenever possible. My hard work is because I care about the quality of life of all Cincinnatians. I support the current level of compensation given the amount of time invested.


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