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Friday, October 19, 2007

Pat Fischer on Education

I support the public school system and led an effort in Pleasant Ridge to attract young families to the City by making sure that their children can attend a Cincinnati Public school and receive a quality education.

As President of the Pleasant Ridge Community Council, I was part of the team that successfully fought for the creation of the "neighborhood magnet" school, which has now become Pleasant Ridge Montessori. Montessori is an increasingly attractive alternative for parents who want a quality education for their children and is growing in demand within the system, so we worked with the school district to create the first neighborhood Montessori school within the district. We also succeeded in having Cincinnati Public Schools build the first "green" elementary school in our area with LEED architecture.

The Ohio School Facilities Commission’s adopted LEED requirements for all new school facilities and specifically cited the Pleasant Ridge school as a model.

Young families are now moving into Pleasant Ridge and are doing so because of the quality educational options available to them.


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at 10:07 PM, October 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This doesn't answer the question about how you would work with CPS. It says what happened in Pleasant Ridge (and you were only a small part of the effort). This "answer" is just text from your campaign materials. Elsewhere in those materials you state that your parents cared about education, therefore they sent you to parochial school.
Again, what will you do to work closely with Cincinnati Public Schools that will benefit ALL the children in CPS, not just get the best resource-intensive project for the neighborhood in which you live?

at 11:33 AM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the League of Women Voters materials you talk a lot about "forcing" CPS to do things, "just like in Pleasant Ridge." To be honest, planning for Pleasant Ridge school had the inside track from the beginning, with the blessing of the administration. Wasn't too hard to force it when the wheels were greased already.

And I'm not sure that "forcing" is the best approach anyway. Are you able to work with other people or just railroad them?

at 11:03 PM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's interesting - is Pleasant Ridge school a "neighborhood Montessori" school as has been stated elsewhere, or a "neighborhood magnet Montessori" school.

Has it become a neighborhood/magnet because the community "forced" CPS to build a school that is bigger than the community can fill? That the residents aren't flocking to this wonderful opportunity you created for them? As I understand it, enrollment is still around 350, even after combining the old PR (350 students) and Losantiville (250 students). So the school has actually lost students, not attracted them. So was that a wise use of the money dedicated to building schools - giving in to a single community at the expense of others?

So would Fischer really be representing the whole city or just his various special interests?

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