Pat Fischer on City Council Salaries

I think the City Manager also needs to look critically at all levels of employment within the City and identify ways to improve service delivery. Updated technology can also support growth. But leadership starts with tough financial decision. As a member of Council, I will not let tough decisions deter me from my commitment to improve the services we provide to our citizens.
Labels: City Council Salaries
Thank you, Mr. Fischer, for responding to my question. As noted in my original comment/question, I am working full-time as a government employee at an hourly wage - 40 hours plus ... and will never come near $40K-$42K much less what Council makes. We must take a leadership and cut this salary first ... and also cutback on mid-managers working in the City sector.
I believe GHIZ, MONZEL, BERDING, EBY, FISCHER ... should be noted for a vote, since they agree to this measure. Who else agrees with cutting the Council salaries to around a PART-TIME salary of $25K-$30K at maximum? Look forward to your comment.
I'm very worried that an attorney that has raised almost $200,000 might owe TOO many favors to BIG business and not represent the normal man or woman!!??
Fischer and other candidates are in the pockets of the big money and Cincinati everyday people will never be represented as long as we elect these prostitutes. Look at who is running massive TV ads and large billboards and you will see WHO NOT TO VOTE FOR. Time for a change, people
of course he'll take a salary cut, he works for KMK and probably earns plenty
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