
Today at the Forum
Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

David Wells,
Editorial Page Editor

Ray Cooklis,
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Krista Ramsey,
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Dennis Hetzel, General Manager,
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Jim Borgman,
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Street Cars

Cincinnatians must have a vision for the future. Street Cars can be an economic engine for future growth, jobs and revenue. Where ever the tracks are laid, development will follow. This is true throughout the country. Cincinnati seems to consistently face a deficit. This is obviously due to over spending and increase cost. In order to keep pace with inflation, the city must become more creative in generating revenue and it must be in a timely manner. (Banks?) The saying, you must spend money to make money, is real. Projects like Street Cars, Banks Development, Renovation of Duke Energy Center and Uptown Consortium are job creation and revenue producing projects. This is the most effective way to fight poverty/crime, spur small business creation and support the needs of our neighborhoods. Some have asked, wouldn't it be better to put those dollars into programs? My response would be, "the US Government, through the Welfare System, has spent over a trillion dollars fighting poverty, yet poverty is still wild spread. It would serve this country and our City much better if the Government had spent those dollars on Education, Economic Development and Jobs.


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