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Friday, October 19, 2007

Cecil Thomas: Banks

Lets just get it done. Lets quickly find a comprise over the new issues raised and move forward. I can't imagine what else is there to discuss after nearly ten years of talks. My grandfather use to say, "Wait Broke the Bridge." Come on Cincinnati, lets show the world that we are a progressive city on the way to becoming a, "World Class City." How can any member of Council ask the taxpayers to spend 100 millions dollars for a Trolley System if we can't agree on the Banks?


at 1:48 PM, October 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am in agreement here, lets get it done. We don't need to be talking about a trolley system, the banks project has been on the table for years and it is still just a big sandbox(mudpit). lets drop all this politically correct nonsense, the Co. with the lowest bid and the best track record should get the job with a time table. If they don't meet that time table then they are penalized heavily. This is ridivules, just like the fool jail tax. If the city had spent money in the past on education and parenting skills we wouldn't need a new jail. It seems that the buffoons and hucksters who call themselves council members really have no vision farther than the end of their noses. It amazes me that they even have the gall to bring up new projects with their past history of complete and utter failure to service the city and its population. They should all be replaced, but that would be impossible because most people with any brains at all have allready left hamilton county!! wake up cincinnati !!

at 5:52 PM, October 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

...maybe current council members haven't done enough to get it done!

at 8:23 PM, October 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

present council has had time to get the Banks in motion - but nothing done. YOU'RE FIRED

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