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Thursday, October 18, 2007


As the campaign enters the final stretch most, if not all ,of the candidates will propose various plans that will save the City (and perhaps the world). And I guess I have shared my thoughts. And the more and more I campaign the more and more I realize that we candidates are not the best minds in the City. We are the best POLITICIANS. I was hammered by the movers and shakers on my cautious approach to the streetcars. I was scolded because I mentioned that Buffalo had a failing streetcar system( but their form of streetcar was more like a very small light rail system.) (But still failing). Sorry, I stand corrected. I was actually suprised that anyone listened to me. My new Boston Terrier sure doesn't listen...I was lectured on what cities are having success with their streetcars. I have followed some of the success stories but those cities are somewhat different and I thought not to compare. But surprisingly I do support a streetcar. I've attended several meetings and learned quite a bit. But I am still troubled at the route.

I also support a Banks project and the future Banks II (west of Paul Brown Stadium). And it is great what developers are doing along Eastern (Riverside Dr). I love to see the private sector at work. Remember I am a private sector guy. All of this is needed to bring back the City...

But in all of this "excitement" should we not FIRST supply our citizens will top quality City services. Should we not provide the very best in road repair, trash collection, emergency care, and most of all POLICING. And should we not have more accountability and accessibility in City Hall?? As we invest, develop, and move forward let us not forget the most important - THE BASIC SERVICES.



at 2:03 PM, October 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cincinnati's population is growing both within city limits and as a metro region.

Buffalo had a light rail system built in the 1970s. During the 1970s even Portland and New York City lost population. It was a bad decade for urban America.

Just for the record. Buffalo does not have a streetcar system.

at 9:22 AM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buffalo's light rail was built in the 80s, not the 70s.

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