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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Winburn: Changing the Face of Development in Cincinnati

Developers have found Hamilton County and Cincinnati’s process of development a bureaucratic nightmare that is cumbersome at best. When elected to city council, I will implement innovation and change for the development of Cincinnati.

I have proposed a development process that is efficient, effective and user-friendly for all residential and commercial developers.

I. Goals of the Fast Track Development Model

-To make it easier for developers to build in Cincinnati
-To attract new developers to Cincinnati.
-To eliminate unnecessary regulation, red tape and development slowdowns.
-To attract new businesses, improve tax base and expand job opportunities.
-To increase new home ownership.
-To improve new housing stock.
-To ensure that Cincinnati is a safe place to live and work so we can attract new developers and new homeowners.
-To become a national model for effective development regarding residential and commercial development
-To help identify lots capable of development in targeted city neighborhoods. These lots will be used for new residential communities through a citywide comprehensive master plan. This plan would be in contrast to the city’s current piecemeal approach to development.

II. Concern of Developers

Several developers choose not to pursue development opportunities in Cincinnati for numerous reasons. Also, developers in Cincinnati are fed up with all the barriers to development. Many of them are considering stopping development all together.

My Fast Track Development Model calls for retaining current developers and attracting new developers to Cincinnati. The model addresses many concerns that are listed below:

1. The long drawn out permit process.
2. Putting development plans on hold for no apparent reason by city employees.
3. City employees change the rules and the development plans in mid-stream of the development process.
4. Excessive water tap fees which increase construction costs.
5. MSD permit delays which drive up construction cost.
6. Waterworks permit delays which slow down the construction process.
7. Long drawn out city subsidizing decisions, such as tax abatements and gap funding which hinders development.
8. Poor coordination of development between the city and the county.
9. The inability of the city to obtain buildings or lots for future development by the private sector.

Visit www.charliewinburn.com to learn more about the Fast Track Development Model for Cincinnati.


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