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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Berding on Council's Salary

Q. When is Cincinnati City Council members going to cut their salaries (be fiscally responsible) as some promised in their last running for their seat? If elected or re-elected, will you please pay yourselves as a PART-TIME employee?, Born & Raised Forever Cincinnati Resident, Westwood

A. While I agree with you that Council salaries are too high, the amount is set by the city’s Charter (Article II, Section 4) and can only be changed by a Charter amendment (voted on and approved by the citizens of Cincinnati). As you can see, cutting salaries requires broad citizen support. Council just does not have the legislative authority to make this change on its own.

I would be supportive of a ballot initiative to reduce City Council’s annual salary, and I encourage those who feel passionate about this issue to lead the citizen driven change.


at 9:41 AM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, City Council has the power to propose charter amendments too.

If Jeff Berding and Leslie Ghiz were serious about their campaign promises from two years ago, they would have Council vote to authorize a charter amendment on the ballot.


at 11:42 AM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Berding has shown an amazing reluctance to lead. It's simple, Jeff, just propose that the issue be on the ballot.

All it takes is six members to put it there. While you are at it, cut Mallory's salary!

at 1:04 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a weak way out...
Laketa Cole has always made it clear she "needs" the $$$

at 8:44 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to know. Jeff Berding is so committed to leading the way to reduce Council salaries, that he's encouraging citizens to do the work for him! He could introduce a resolution in Council to put it on the ballot, but why do anything whatsoever to show any leadership?

Two years ago Jeff Berding said we should elect Councilman by district. Great idea. So why hasn't Broken Promises Berding done anything at all to further this goal?

Two years ago Leslie Ghiz said she would cut Council salaries. Last year she reiterated that promise, saying she'd do it this year to put more pressure on Council to act before elections. Another broken promise.

Who cares what Leslie Ghiz and Jeff Berding tell us now? They've already proven they'll break their promises as soon as they get elected.

at 9:19 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lowering Council's salary has been on the ballot and the voters rejected it.

at 12:14 PM, October 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Berding is for lower salaries, did he only accept what he believes the salary should be and then donate the rest back to the City?

I am not a fan of Berding, but I pose this question sincerely, as I honestly do not know the answer?

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