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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


When I announced that I was going to run for City Council the biggest question from friends, family, and neighbors was "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT???" The City Manager asked me "why are you running this late in life??" And the "experts" say that I have everything going against me. Everything is negative politically.

(1) Older man running for the first time. (soon to be 58)
(2) Choosing to run as an Independant. (people don't vote for those kind of people)
(3) Financing my own campaign ( this will "break you".)
(4) Seeking no endorsements from those who want to influence beyond own beliefs
(5) Running as a full time candidate. City Council is treated as a part time - second job.
You are rocking the boat.

But as I have talked to thousands of Cincinnati voters the past ten months and got a true pulse of the City I realize that I have some advantages over my competition.

(1) Older man running for the first time
(2) Running as an Independant. I have no political favors to pay back except to the voters of Cincinnati.
(3) The experts were correct about me financing my campaign as I need some money help.
(4) I have not given into influence
(5) Cincinnati likes the FULL TIME idea



at 10:26 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to inculde slum lord

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