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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Councilmember Chris Bortz on Green Industry and Economic Growth

Arguably, every one of Cincinnati's troubles can be traced to a core economic distress of disappearing manufacturing jobs. Any ideas? If this is a problem beyond your control, which is likely, how about any ideas on mitigating the damage? --Randall, Oakley, Wednesday, October 03, 2007 - 9:59:00 AM

Fortunately, Cincinnati's economy is diverse enough that we didn't suffer as much damage as other midwest cities, however there is no doubt that we have been hurt. With the loss of manufacturing jobs, we have seen an exodus of middle class families, particularly on the Westside. In order to attract new residents and families to the city, we have to create job opportunities by assembling sites and creating infrastructure that is conducive to a new economy and future business needs.

Today's companies are embracing environmentally and socially responsible products and production techniques, due partially to more regulation but also as a response to consumer demand, competition, brand equity, and risk management. Cincinnati absolutely has the ability to attract this "green industry". We must create a business environment that not only builds zero emissions or LEED rated facilities but also attracts businesses engaged in product and service delivery within the emerging green industry. Those businesses will in turn provide jobs in advanced manufacturing, inspection and consulting services, and export-related green construction and design services.

We have the old industrial infrastructure, much of it abandoned, in places adjacent to key rail, river, and highway transit routes. We need only to assemble those sites to begin attracting the targeted end-users. We also have another competitive advantage with local companies such as GE and Duke Energy emerging as global leaders in the green industry.

Indianapolis decided to become the center of amateur sports in the nation. We can make the same choice to be the center on advanced green industry and manufacturing. We need only to make the choice and put our resources behind the vision to make it a reality.


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