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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

John Eby - Greg Harris Issue Bi-Partisan Agenda

On Wed., October 10th, Democrat Greg Harris and Republican John Eby will release a comprehensive bi-partisan agenda built on detailed strategies to make Cincinnati a safer, greener, and better governed city. Eby and Harris will also sign an unprecedented pledge to work across Party lines to implement this agenda once elected.

Forum readers can get an advanced look at the agenda by visiting www.CommonSenseCincinnati.com. Feedback would be very much appreciated.


at 12:14 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time! This is a very straightforward and 'common sense' plan. It sure is nice to see candidates that care about the future of the Queen City, pushing politics as usual out of the way.

They're getting my vote. Hope they get a chance to move this plan forward after election day.

You go guys!

at 7:13 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean that Republicans and Democrats can actually work together to make Cincinnati better? Who woulda thunk it?

Save the partisan crap for DC...

Way to go Eby and Harris! You'll both be getting my vote!

at 10:30 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great! I'm glad to see Republicans and Democrats coming together and actually making sense! I hope every candidate can take a page from their book!

at 2:28 PM, October 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awright! Another vote for you two guys. In fact, I almost have my slate now, but need to cross check with Citybeat too! ;D

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