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Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


KEEP YOUR WORD AND CONTINUE THE ROLLBACK. Whether the roolback is $100 or $1 it does not matter. This is just another indication on how government hates to give back the Peoples' money. Once a politician get that "death grip" on tax revenue - LOOKOUT.
And yes, Cincinnati does have a critically low owner-occupied housing rate. And this low rate can stall neighborhood redevelopment. And core (traditional) neighborhood redevelopment should be priority one as it is crutical to a strong Cincinnati . But please, no more taking from the property owners (the haves) and giving it to the "have nots"on any kind of housing program. Hamilton County and City property tax payers bear more than their fair share.
I will discuss at a later time (when that becomes the topic) on how we can move more people into their own homes using the private sector (not additional tax plans)


at 10:44 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

might want to learn how to spell rollback...

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