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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I believe that Cincinnati City Council should be a FULL TIME job. There is much to be done (and started). Presently City Council members treat the job of City Council as a part time - second job. They say that the city charter calls for part time. The job pays $58,000 (approx) WITH BENEFITS. How many part time jobs come with benefits?? As a matter of fact, how many full time jobs come with these kind of benefits. My staff and I pledge to work FULL TIME at City Hall and do something unusual, be accessible to all... In that situation I believe that $58,000 is fair. But as a part time - second job, GRAVY TRAIN... and a rip off to our tax payers. Demand that our candidates work FULL TIME, put the City first, and earn that good paycheck, benefits, and long summer break.

P.S. I've rocked the boat with this FULL TIME talk and made some enemies at City Hall so please don't tell any Council candidates that I wrote this. shuuuuuuh


at 9:44 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve--I don't think you've made any "enemies" on Council. No one takes you seriously enough to consider you an enemy.

at 10:14 PM, October 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would take Pavlish seriously. He has that friendly guy next door personality and the people like that. Snooty Council will be replaced. I really don't know all his platform but don't underestimate him. And his yard signs are everywhere

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