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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Justin Jeffre: Government and Sex

What is your position on SB16 (the new state law that, among other things, criminalizes exotic dancers and patrons coming within 6 ft of each other)? To what extent should local and state governments oversee and regulate the sex lives of adult citizens?
--Cody Reeder, Walnut Hills
Government should have no business interfering in the sex lives of adults, especially in the City of Cincinnati. As you know, we are world famous for our incoherent fear of adult entertainment -- with a major Hollywood movie even memorializing how Larry Flynt went to battle against none other than Si Leis.

But here is the thing: Cincinnati ranks pretty high on the list of cities with high incidences of sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, the local Yellow Pages has three pages dedicated to adult entertainment advertising quick delivery of private strip shows to your home.

So in Cincinnati, we have no adult entertainment in public, but a thriving underground sex business. Is it too much a leap to connect this with our high incidences of sexually transmitted diseases?

Could it be that the family friendly movement of fringe groups like the CCV is really just a cover (even if unintentionally) for the sordid sexuality that has been forced underground? Meanwhile, cities like Atlanta -- in the heart of the Bible belt -- have thriving adult businesses, lower rates of STDs, and huge revenue generation for their city.

Now I'm not trying to run on a platform of promoting pornography -- but are we adult enough to even consider the issue without hang-ups? I hope so, but I fear that several politicians -- or their anonymous campaign staff members -- will troll any blog that raises the issue, changing the subject and issuing personal attacks.

I wonder how the people of Cincinnati would vote were the concept of a regulated adult entertainment district presented as something on which citizens could have their voices heard.

I always promote having discussions about the direction of our City, and empowering voters with the ability to make decisions that affect our future.


at 6:51 AM, October 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very mature approach. Watch out or you'll be branded, it will stick and you won't stand a chance.

FYI: When Rudy Giuliani Disneyfied Times Square, it was a well kept dirty secret that E. 53rd St. got the shaft because the already existing strip of adult book/movie stores in the midst of one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the world got a huge boost in business which really made that block impossible to navigate pleasantly.

The pols knew it happened but the residents had to make their own effort to nag them to get it under control. The point? Everybody knows it's somewhere, so better to have it contained and ocntrolled. The people of E. 53rd St. minded their own business (not fanatics with hang ups) until they were imposed upon by the pols and their policies.

at 9:09 PM, October 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baltimore and Boston have well-demarcated "combat zones" and neither city has collapsed, or even regressed like, say, Cincinnati. Cincy could do the same, or keep its Victorian head in the sand pretending to be "family friendly."

at 3:10 AM, October 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin, Justin, Justin..
Why don't you just give it up and realize your best ticket is re-formed band with Nick and Drew. Tour,bank some coin, buy a spot in the suburbs, and soon you can rival Hustler as the pandering panacea to the "underground."

Or do what everybody else does and go to Vegas or Van Nuys.

at 3:46 AM, October 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i suppose you want to legalize marijuana too.

keep it clean, keep it repressed, don't let it see the light of day. vote republican 08

at 10:53 AM, October 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Justin. We need more people like you involved in our local goverment. Don't let the neocons get to you. There ideas are harsh and will no longer be heard after the 2008 elections.

at 3:17 PM, October 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:53 wrote:

There ideas are harsh and will no longer be heard after the 2008 elections.

evidently he didn't get the memo from one of our freepers, you know, the one that says they know where we live and they'll be rounding us up any day now...

at 10:10 PM, October 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, Justin. And don't miss the part the Enquirer plays in this sordid tale. Every time an item in any way connected to sex is raised, the Enquirer can't be bothered with journalism. It's so much easier to simply pick up the phone and get a quote from CCV and allow them to characterize the issue.

I've asked before for basic info on CCV - who's funding them, for one, but I'd love to know the size of its membership. My guess is it's not nearly grand enough to justify the size of the megaphone the Enquirer so regularly hands them to shout Cincinnati thinks sex is dirty! But of course, the Enquirer can't be bothered with reporting on that either.

Anyway, go Justin!

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