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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Petraeus 'report'

This morning was the long anticipated appearance of Gen. David Petraeus in Washington to talk about how the “surge” of U.S. forces in Iraq is working out. This is a well choreographed dance, fully rehearsed, with all the players knowing their parts. The general’s “report” to President, Congress and country will have little impact on policy.

Everyone has known for quite a while that Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, will recommend a “pause” in the drawdown of American troops this summer to give everybody a chance to assess how the surge has done and see if the Iraqis have made any real progress at standing on their own. President Bush already has said he supports Petraeus’ position, which means it’s going to happen, no matter what anybody in Congress says.

All three presidential candidates have outlined their positions on troop withdrawals from Iraq, and nothing Petraeus said was expected to change those stances either. I wouldn't expect any of the candidates to object to strongly to a "pause" in the withdrawals. It is very difficult to argue convincingly against recommendations from the general on the ground, particularly when he says the pause is to assess progress. Resolving Iraq will be the job of the next president, no matter how long this pause lasts.

During the general’s appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee, committee members, who in this case include John McCain and Hillary Clinton, each were allotted a few minutes to question the general. McCain used his time to emphasize his position that we should stay the course. Clinton pointed out, again, that she favors and orderly and continuous withdrawal.

A sure sign that this appearance was more sound bite and photo-op than policy deliberation, was that McCain and Clinton didn’t stay long after they had their say, and once they left, so did most of the media. The New York Times' Mike Nizza blogged the hearing and noted the departures.


at 2:58 PM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

charade is a much better description than choreographed dance. general betrayus has no credibility. he is bush's boy and will do nothing to stop the slaughter of american troops in this countrys biggest foreign policy blunder.

its shameful that this whole administration isn't being impeached and put on trial for war crimes. instead, they will be allowed to kick the can down the road and blame the ultimate defeat on the next president.

at 3:27 PM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

you left out the sound bite opportunities for Biden to declare the Surge a failure and for Levin and gang to beat the drum that Bush is a failure and the US military and policy are defeated in Iraq.

The benefit of the internet and its media archiving for the masses, is that 10 years from now, these quotes of each mouth piece will be available for all to review and critique who got it right and who got it wrong. .....Not that the voting public will care in 10 years.

at 4:15 PM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2:58pm ...you already broke your promise to Ray Cooklis to stop posting and wasting your time. ....Yet, you continue to waste our time with your drone of a message

at 5:03 PM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest news to come out of the hearing is that John McCain once again showed that his comprehension on Iraq is shaky:

At today's Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, McCain once again seemed to make a muddle of the whole Shiite-Al Qaeda thing. It came in this exchange with Gen. David Petraeus.

SEN. MCCAIN: There are numerous threats to security in Iraq and the future of Iraq. Do you still view al Qaeda in Iraq as a major threat?

GEN. PETRAEUS: It is still a major threat, though it is certainly not as major a threat as it was, say, 15 months ago.

SEN. MCCAIN: Certainly not an obscure sect of the Shi'ites, all overall, or Sunnis or anybody else.

...McCain may want to work on this obvious weakness in his Iraq fund of knowledge. Maybe flash cards would help.

at 7:33 AM, April 09, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 4:15! That wasn't me! My objection to Cooklis is that he's like Wily Coyote - you can see him and his dopey attempts at propaganda coming a mile away. It's funny! So, what you need to know is:

1) Cooklis is a waste of time, not serious discussions. I've said before that the things he chooses to discuss just turn my brains into jello, they're so unimportant.
2) There are a lot of us out here who question things and are generally moderate, not die hard liberal or conservative. So whoever 2:58 is, it wasn't me!
3) Don't lose your sense of humor - it's death.

at 7:41 AM, April 09, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pull out, take 1/3 of the money we now spend on killing them to clean up the mess we've made including paying reparations to the average Iraqs who have lost loved ones in the carnage, and restoring basic services like water and electricity and schools.

Take another 1/3 and get our oil reliance reduced IMMEDIATELY - the technology exists, the political will is absent while politicians pick the carcass of the current system of oil industry bloat for their personal wealth.

Final 1/3: get our infrastructure straightened out so that homeland security is properly, intelligently (not fearfully) structured so we can sleep peacefully at night.

Oh, also, sleeping peacefully at night isn't always about our own safety, but rather a matter of conscience too: stop killing innocent Iraqis.

at 8:16 AM, April 09, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 4:15, you must have me confused with the useful idiot or toe tapping neocon. its never a waste of time to remind everyone of the lies that the bush administration continues to tell.

at 10:20 AM, April 09, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush is a liar. Bush followed the recommmendations and Congress's vote to invade Iraq, including Hillary Clinton's vote to authorize war. They all reviewed the same International and USA intelligence on Iraq WMDs and came to the same conclusion. Only Bush is a liar.

Bush is a liar. Gen. David Petraeus is praised for a successful "surge" Operation in Iraq and the growing polictical, Iraq nation building successes. Bush is following Petraeus' military recommendations, as the only informed General with "boots on the ground". Only Bush is a liar.

at 2:07 PM, April 20, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the Brent Spence falls down, someone remind us that it's for the good of our country, because all our infrastructure dollars are going to build a country that doesn't want us there and sees no reason to take control as long as we continue to wipe their behinds for them.

Pull out, hard and fast, and let the natives work it out. So what if they kill each other and it's a Civil War? We had one of those, and we got over it. They will, too. We've got more important things to do, like fix our national infrastructure.

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