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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Chancellor to state universities: Focus

We know college students are often trying to "find themselves." Now their colleges are as well.

In fact, figuring out their identity is the assignment Chancellor Eric Fingerhut has given all Ohio public universities. By December, all 13 will be expected to tell the state what they do best -- what academic areas make them Centers of Excellence -- and outline their goals for those programs and how they'll measure their progress.

Then the chancellor and the state's director of development will evaluate the list, making sure the programs are as good as the colleges claim and that they don't overlap -- long a problem for Ohio's universities. 'Winners' will claim that specialty and along with it funding and marketing. Losers will have to find another area of focus.

Does the idea make sense to you? Do you see clear areas of excellence for the University of Cincinnati and Miami University? Should state schools have to narrow their offerings?


at 7:14 AM, April 03, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

unless there are vacancies going unfilled, i'm not sure that there is a real problem with some overlap.

one of the things that gets lost in an effort like this, is that many kids need four years of college to give them a chance to "grow up", yet liberal arts doesn't strike me as a center of excellence.

the more i think about, the more this sounds like the chancellor trying to justify his own position.

at 9:16 AM, April 03, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Educations business used to be just that... education. Now TPTB want to turn it into just one more cog in the economic engine.

When will the greed end? When will we decide that not everything in this world needs to serve the all-mighty dollar.

Do we need a stronger state economy? Yes.

Should we sacrifice all other aspects of education to turn our state colleges into vocational schools that only serve that state economy? NO!!!

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