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Friday, April 04, 2008

A not-so-crazy idea for a Spence alternative?

This idea belongs to Mer Grayson of Central Bank in Northern Kentucky. Mer's idea:

Instead of spending mega-billions to build a new bridge, we perhaps could rehab the one we already have for a fraction of the cost -- if only there was a way to divert a lot of the traffic that is shortening the useful life and function of the Spence.

So, Mer drew a line from where Int. 71 from Louisville joins with Int. 71-75 near Walton, across Northern KY to where Int. 275 makes its sharp westward turn in Ohio.

In other words, there would be a new outer loop from Walton to Int. 275. Any non-local traffic using Int. 71 in either direction would no longer have a reason to go through the heart of Cincinnati. The loop also would take pressure off Int. 471 and Int. 275 in Northern KY.

Downsides: The outer loop wouldn't be cheap to build as it would go through some fairly rugged terrain in the mid-sections of Kenton and Campbell counties. And it would open up a large swath of rural land to suburban sprawl.

Still, it's intriguing. Here's a Google map if you want to eyeball the idea for yourself.


at 9:36 PM, April 04, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the year 2000 OKI Transportation Plan, an outer expressway belt is identified in this plan. Maybe it is time to wipe the dust off this plan.

at 11:42 PM, April 04, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like his thinking. It's outside the box!

at 7:39 AM, April 07, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm having trouble visualizing what you are saying. it seems like there's a more direct path by going northeast from walton to where 275 is at coney island. you would probably also get some benefit from that part of the beltway being 3 lanes a lot of the way

at 2:42 PM, April 07, 2008 Blogger Kevin LeMaster said...

We do not need to be building more roads, especially beltways in sparsely populated areas.

What we need to be addressing is finding better ways to fund our existing infrastructure.

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