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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Dropping you a line

Jack Cannon, a legendary Enquirer copy editor who retired a few years ago, could always spot a stale rehash of an old story, so the letter to the editor we received from him Wednesday was no surprise. Here’s the letter. It will be in Thursday’s paper:

“I recently received a letter, sent at taxpayers’ expense, from Second District Congresswoman Jean Schmidt explaining the so-called economic stimulus package passed by Congress. As I read the letter, I thought, ‘Hmmm, this information sounds familiar.’ Then I retrieved another taxpayer-funded letter I had received a month or two ago containing the same information. That one was from the IRS. Plus, the facts had been in every newspaper and on TV news programs. No wonder it sounded familiar.
“So, why would the congresswoman waste all that taxpayer money sending out letters to the Second District to rehash it all? Could it be just to get her name out there before the voters? Hmmm, I wonder whether that’s the reason.”

Jack, you old cynic!


at 10:52 AM, April 03, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: This restraint of trade lawsuit against Christ Hospital and the Health Alliance may give you an important peephole into what's wrong with medicine in this country. Competition has been driven by personal greed, power, and envy; not quality or efficiency. It's Money Ball gaming the system of public reimbursement: regulated insurers and government agencies played on a field of non-profit behemoths.

I don't think Hillary-care will solve this.

If sunshine is the best disinfectant, I urge you to probe the players as much as possible. This issue is just a symptom, not the disease. Resolving this case won't resolve the problem of an expensive system that delivers mediocre results to most, and none to some. But it may write large the problems that will face leaders and planners who hope to ensure care for the near future and beyond.

-babyboomer MD trained at UC and Christ

at 6:47 AM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to the MD who just posted. You hae to dig deep to understand the present problems in order to assess the political offerings but it can be done despite the lack of in depth reporting by corporate mediafrom which we suffer on every subject these days.

Back to the topic at hand, it's always been clear that Ms. Schmidt is a zealous little terrier with next to no qualifications to offer in an elected position which may not require any, but certainly is diminished by having the occupant bring none to it. She hasn't even had what could be called a career, and watching her frantic, over-heated attempts to keep up with her more naturally talented political community is just frustrating. She she bow out ASAP.

So this example is not cynical it just might be proof of my opinion. It's as immature and bereft of resources as when some high school kids plagarize in their papers.

I've said it before, I say it again: that bun is pulled too tight.

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