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Monday, April 07, 2008

Just leave Starbucks alone, OK?

The online Wall Street Journal has an intriguing column today by David Boaz of the libertarian Cato Institute, who described what happened when a friend of his tried to have his Starbucks Card customized with the phrase dear to the hearts of free-market advocates: “Laissez-faire.” Starbucks rejected his request, saying the phrase violated company policy – which is odd, because the company’s success seems to be a prime example of the free market in action.

The explanation was that Starbucks prohibits “overtly political commentary” on its cards. But when Boaz’ friend decided to experiment by asking for the phrase “People Not Profits,” Starbucks accepted it, even though it’s arguably more “overt” political commentary than the French phrase (roughly, “Leave us alone”) used in economics for centuries. Starbucks also OKed the Hispanic farm-labor slogan “Si Se Puede” (“Yes We Can”), which Barack Obama has used as an overtly political campaign slogan since 2004. But not an innocuous phrase recognizing the existence of the free market? Just like Starbucks to serve up a cup of delicious, steaming, frothy irony.

Associated Press file photo


at 12:34 PM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is your point? Their cards are like your blog in that they have a "brand' that they want associated with certain things only. I can't tell you how many things I've had not posted on this blog and they didn't have foul language, or anything uncivil, but they did deal with some touchy subjects like our unexamined, unquestioned support of certain of our U.S. allies, the covert behaviors of past presidents and the CIA, etc. They control what they want printed just like you do.

But anyway, this is another meaningless, light-weight post from you. I'm not going to comment in the future when they're nonsensical like this, and I encourage others to do the same, although I can see why you might be a lightening rod for polarized posters, and generate activity, imitating thoughtful discussion, on the Forum. Blogging is already a bit of a waste of time, like occasional cocktail party chat, amusing but no real purpose, so I, for one, have to start limiting my participation to the more thoughtful ones. Goodbye Mr. Cooklis, I have something important like hand laundry to do.

at 1:04 PM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 12:34pm Thank you for volunteering not to post again. Your redundant anti-right-wing themes are a bore.

at 5:02 PM, April 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If one is a true libertarian, then Starbucks can make whatever policy it wants.

at 5:13 PM, April 08, 2008 Blogger Ray Cooklis said...

Why, absolutely, Anonymous 5:02 PM! Starbucks can adopt whatever policy it wants. But whether one is a true libertarian or not, one has the right to at least comment on a policy's apparent ironies, doesn't one?

at 3:22 PM, April 10, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ofcourse Starbucks wants to put a solfter message with their $5 cup of coffie.

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