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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Winburn: Bring on the Banks

When I was on Cincinnati City Council, I was the key vote in bringing online Fountain Square West when it stagnated for years. It certainly seems that history is once again repeating itself with the current state of the Banks Project.

If elected, and if the Banks Project has not been decided by this November’s election, I plan on playing a major role in moving this important project forward once and for all. I do believe that this is the most important development project for our city, just like Fountain Square West was a decade ago. I expect to support this group’s effort as long as they can obtain a win-win agreement with the downtown business owners.

I am willing to put aside my vision for the banks project - which I believe should include entertainment, housing and plenty of parking - and I will not stop the progress of the Banks Working Group. But if the project fails to be completed by election day due to lack of leadership on city council, I will make sure I do it right when elected. This is exactly why 16 non-incumbents are challenging our current city council members because they have failed to reduce violent crime significantly in our city, revitalize our neighborhoods and bring on the Banks Project.


at 9:44 AM, October 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are recycled news. You were part of the problem the last time you were on Plum St.

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