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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

John Eby on Streetcars

Sometimes, when you are planning for the future you have to reach into the past. My late father used to tell stories of riding the streetcars and inclines in Cincinnati when he was a boy. He loved the streetcar and was passionate about them. When the decision was made to turn away from streetcars and they tore down the inclines my father was heart broken. He never rode public transportation again.

I'm really not supposed to do this, but I think that Chris Bortz really hit the nail on the head with proposing streetcars in Cincinnati. I love the idea. It is bold, exciting and "do-able". It is so "Cincinnati". Streetcars are a great investment in our future as a city. The slow moving cars will spur economic and housing development. They will help redefine our city.

When I am elected to city council I look forward to working with Mr. Bortz to develop a multi-generational vision that focuses on Building Bridges across the three “rivers” that divide our city, I-75/I-71/ and Ft. Washington Way.

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at 10:13 AM, October 16, 2007 Blogger mike4942 said...

I am glad to see a candidate willing to give credit to someone else when it is due, even when they are not of the same political party. This is not the first time Eby has done this. What is wrong with agreeing with a Republican, Democrat, or Charterite even though they are not in the same party? Thank-you Mr. Eby for going against the "norm" and working with other candidates when their ideas are for the betterment of Cincinnati.

at 11:36 PM, October 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careful John Eby, Bortz and Towne Pooperties will financially benefit from streetcar development.Don't get caught up in the trap. You seem to have a lovefest with the other parties. Don't forget your financial backers.

at 10:54 AM, October 18, 2007 Blogger Westside Resident said...

Anon 11:36

Everyone benefits from Streetcars and everyone benefits when people of good will work across party lines to create a greater Cincinnati.

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