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Monday, October 15, 2007

Berding on The Banks

Q. Do you consider the Banks deal to be the city’s number one development priority and do you expect to support the deal the Banks Working Group has been negotiating? Does it matter to you if the deal is finished before or after Election Day?

A. Yes, I consider the Banks deal to be the city’s number one development priority, as it has significant economic and psychological benefits to our community. The inability of prior County Commissions and City Councils to get The Banks done has hindered public confidence and our economic vitality.

I look forward to supporting an agreement from the Banks Working Group, but have not been briefed on the current state of negotiations. Chris Bortz and I took the lead in creating the Banks Working Group in order to depoliticize the process of getting The Banks built. I believe the current Council is committed to this process and I hope to see a Development Agreement before Election Day. However, I think it would be a mistake for Council Members, in hopes of getting a boost to their re-election efforts, to set some artificial deadline prior to Election Day. The right approach is to keep politics out of the negotiations, and wait for the Banks Working Group and Carter Real Estate to finalize the right deal for our community.


at 7:46 PM, October 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have been on council for years and have not made the banks happen, you are part of the problem, not the solution! Your just leading everyone on.

at 10:14 PM, October 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been at City Hall nearly 2 years and you want credit for what.. How is that bike trail comming? That will be your legacy

at 1:16 PM, October 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Berding, you have no right to chime in on the Banks Development since you are employed by the Cincinnati Bengals, an entity that has something to say about the Banks development, as stipulated in it's one-sided lease, which you happened to sell to the city. And I must add that the Brown family rewarded you with a nice job for your efforts.

at 1:42 PM, October 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am still waiting for your response to my previous post, and, believe me, I am not the only person in this city who considers your full-time job with the Bengals and your seat on council as a major conflict of interest, especially considering the adversarial relationship between team and city and county governments.

At least Greg Harris responds to his critics. I suggest you do the same.

at 7:24 AM, October 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Berding,

Answer your critcs like a man. They may not like your answer, but at least they will know your rationale for placing yourself in an arena that is conflicted with your full-time job with the Bengals.

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