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Monday, October 15, 2007

Painter on the Banks/Economic Development

The fact of the matter is that the banks project should have been completed a long time ago. We can't live in the past, but we must learn from our mistakes. The majority of current leaders have failed our citizens due to a combination or their own personal agendas and an unwillingness to cooperate with other facets of our government.
We need fiscally responsible, economically intelligent individuals that will create an action oriented team who will work quickly and efficiently to see that the banks project along with many other endevours are initiated immediately.
If the citizens of our great city want to see change they must enact an immediate change in leadership. We must elect leaders that are tenacious, driven, and experienced with spurring economic development.
We must stand up and say enough is enough. We must critically analyze past leaders track records. We must intelligently choose our future leaders based on their ability to build action oriented and efficent teams and their ability to produce results. We must no longer elect the same individuals and hope to get different results. Vote for Painter on November 6th.


at 9:01 PM, October 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need fiscally responsible, economically intelligent individuals that will create an action oriented team who will work quickly and efficiently to see that the banks project along with many other endevours are initiated immediately.

Yeah ... how about they call it the Banks Working Group?

at 8:54 AM, October 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The leaders of the Banks Working Group are NOT efficient or affective in anyway!

at 10:17 AM, October 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The leaders of the Banks Working Group are NOT efficient or affective in anyway!

What is the basis for this assessment? What facts do you have to back this up?

The Banks Working Group has accomplished more in the short time that they have been active than any politician has been able to accomplish in 10 years. As long as no one on City Council meddles and grandstands, the project should finally break ground by the end of the year.

I'd call that "effective". And, given how much they have accomplished in such a short time, I'd consider them pretty efficient as well.

at 7:44 PM, October 17, 2007 Blogger Mitch Painter said...

I would agree that the working group has been efficient in many respects. I was speaking about council specifically.
We must ensure that we elect efficient leaders as we always run the risk of back tracking or council meddling where they shouldn't. I am pushing to continue this efficiency because we all know what can happen if we don't keep this as top priority.

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