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Monday, October 15, 2007

George Zamary - The Banks

Do you consider the Banks deal to be the city's number one development priority and do you expect to support the deal the Banks Working Group has been negotiating? Does it matter to you if the deal is finished before or after Election Day?

I consider the Banks deal to be the single most significant development in the tri-state region. It impacts not only the City of Cincinnati, but surrounding areas. It will serve as the center piece of a vibrant riverfront.

Sitting undeveloped, and the subject of years of planning, the Banks has been a source of untapped potential. The lack of progress on this project is resulting in frustration of the citizens of Cincinnati , but demonstrates another unkept promise made by our city council leaders.

Although the details of the Banks Work Group's deal has not yet been put before City Council for a vote, I fully expect to be supportive of the recommendations. I believe the Banks Work Group will accomplish something city government could not accomplish itself. I expect a compromise to be reached between the various interested parties regarding the size and scope of the project that will allow it to move forward because Cincinnatians want this project to move forward. If the parties are able to reach an agreement, then council should support the individuals it has appointed to negotiate on its behalf.

I believe that this council, the same ones who selected the Banks Working Group, should be the ones to either approve or reject the deal. Otherwise, the project will likely be further delayed as new council members will require time to fully understand the complexity of this massive project.


at 7:58 AM, October 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Banks Project on the Ohio side of the river should only be built if Northern Ky developers and Kentucky public officials are in charge of the project. Ky has proven how to perform successful development. Ohio has a 30 year history of recent failure and still refuses to look across the river to learn how to get things done.

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