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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monzel's Response - The Banks

Q. Do you consider the Banks deal to be the city’s number one development priority and do you expect to support the deal the Banks Working Group has been negotiating? Does it matter to you if the deal is finished before or after Election Day?

A. The Banks is definitely one of the most important developmental priorities in the city and needs to get done. But, we have 52 neighborhoods, many of which have development projects as well. From College Hill’s Hamilton and North Bend Avenue intersection to Price Hill’s Incline District to Avondale’s Burnett Avenue development…there are many exciting projects occurring across the city.

As of this time, I have not seen any final development agreements from the Banks Working Group. And I am not sure we will see one before the election. I believe the deal should be finished in the amount of time that it takes successfully to negotiate a great deal for Cincinnati.

If this development agreement cannot be accomplished soon, then I would be supportive of moving forward in starting to build the city-county infrastructure (the parking garages and podium). At the same time we can begin building the first phase of our great Riverfront Park since we have the funding for this already in place as well.


at 11:16 AM, October 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The parking garages can't be built until you know what will be built on top of them. Their location also depends on what the final plans look like and how the street grid will be laid out.

at 6:50 AM, October 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh...since you have the funding already, be sure to make a large portion of Riverfront Park into A DOG PARK! If you haven't been breathing for the last six months, Cincinnati desperately needs this downtown, before streetcars, jails, more political bickering or anything else. GIVE THE PETS IN CINCINNATI A PLACE TO RUN, PLAY, POOP, AND GET AWAY FROM HOT PAVEMENT AND MY LUNCH!

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