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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The beans get stirred for a good cause

In the midst of all the serious policy discussions on Cincinnati politics at this blog, it seems like a good time for a taste of Northern Kentucky.

Kudos to the organizers of the annual Bean Bash at Turfway Park. The 2007 version was held last Saturday. The bash started 32 years ago as a modest, political fundraiser and morphed into a full-tilt, non-partisan event for charity. President David Schneider hoped to pass the $100,000 mark in proceeds for the first time. Proceeds are split between Special Olympics of Northern Kentucky, BAWAC Community Rehabilitation Center and Redwood Rehabilitation Center.

The bash seems to capture everything that's fun, eclectic and special about Northern Kentucky. It has grown in size but hasn't outgrown its down-home character. Admission is 3 bucks. Beer is $1. You can listen to loud rock 'n roll or bid on artsy holiday items at the silent auction. And, well, you're at a race track, eating bean soup and corn bread. Whatever your station in life, it's OK to show up in jeans and enjoy a Saturday without shaving.

That's my kind of Saturday. Plus, I'm a sucker for homemade bean soup. It was my late father's favorite.

So, here's to all the volunteers who make the Bash a meaningful blast. That includes those who stir the beans, just as 16-year-old Brennan Carroll of Florence is doing in this Enquirer photo.


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