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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

John Eby on Sustainable Building Practices

Elizabeth Metz, Clifton asked

The environment has always been an issue in the life of any community, but it has been getting more attention lately, so I’m hopeful we’ll get some candidates leading on this issue. What are your plans for public transportation, environmentally sustainable building practices, making local food readily available, holding corporate polluters accountable, and/or recycling?

My Response:

I’m an electrical engineer by trade. In my profession I have to work with a diverse (sometimes eclectic) team of individuals; namely architects, interior designers, mechanical engineers, structural engineers, artists, and union trade professionals. We all have different points of perspective about the project and how it should be built. We have to work cooperatively to produce a quality, innovative product for our client that meets their budget and is delivered on time. It takes a great deal of planning, cooperation and compromise to reach that consensus.

Saving energy and curbing pollution isn’t a liberal, conservative or independent idea, it is a human idea. It is the right idea. As a consulting engineer it is my responsibility to stay current with the latest energy saving techniques. Daylighting strategies, LEED certification, staying current with relevant energy codes, such as ASHRAE 90.1-2004, and Dark Sky technology, are all ways of doing business in my industry. It is how we stay Competitive and ahead in the industry. If I can reduce my clients power consumption during peak demand hours I can save them REAL money. Another added benefit is I’m reducing the need for the energy supplier to burn more fossil fuels- a Win-Win for everybody. My clients demand innovation, creativity, and solutions. Isn’t that what you want (as a tax payer) from your city council members?



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