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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

John Eby: The Role of Council

Chad Harrison Ford, East End asked:

Do you believe that a position on city council should be used as a
platform for national issues?

My Response:

Council members are continually asked to support a variety of causes. I appreciate the personal conviction that some council members feel toward national issues. I also celebrate the freedom we enjoy to express those opinions openly and passionately. However, the role of Cincinnati city council IS the business of Cincinnati. I want city council focused on delivering basic services, building the Banks, increasing safety and security, crafting an equitable housing policy and increasing educational opportunities for our children. I will work to eliminate unnecessary taxes. I will push for great jobs and great benefits, for all workers. The job of City council should be enhancing the quality of life of all Cincinnatians.


at 11:57 AM, October 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great answer!

at 11:40 AM, October 03, 2007 Blogger Fordo said...

Mr. Eby - Thank you for your answer to my question. The role you seek on the Cincinnati City Council is NOT one to address national issues. It is to address local issues, the ones that affect the constituency. I appreciate your time to address my concern.

at 2:56 PM, October 03, 2007 Blogger Westside Resident said...

Fordo - glad to see we agree on this issue.

at 9:02 AM, October 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to elect people to council who will deal with CINCINNATI issues, not national issues. We need to throw grandstanders like Crowley off of council and put people like Eby on council. I'll probably vote for many other non-incumbents as well.

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