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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Charlie Winburn: Reduce Violent Crime First

Before I answer the question of what is the most important issue for City Council to address, let me first say a few things to you all. This is my city as well as your city – I love Cincinnati and I am connected to this community. I grew up in foster homes and lived on the streets as well as in a children’s home named Allen House in Price Hill. I went on to attend and graduate from the University of Cincinnati. I have no plans of leaving this city that I love. But I am tired of going to the funerals of victims of gun violence. Just the other night, a grandson of one of my dear friends was murdered on our streets. Until you have felt the pain of the victims of violence, you might not understand why I believe the number one issue facing Cincinnati is violent crime.

By working everyday to reduce crime, we can begin to promote more effective downtown and regional development. Economic development is critical to ensuring Cincinnati will attain the greatness it so richly deserves, but violent crime is undermining our city’s initiatives. Who wants to live or work in a city where crime is overwhelming its citizens? I have decided to take the lead on reducing crime and working to change the perception that our city is unsafe. Please feel free to visit my website at www.charliewinburn.com to read my 10-point violent crime reduction plan. Together we can do it!


at 5:42 PM, October 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Winburn - we stopped at your house over the weekend to ask about putting a "Vote Yes on 27" sign in your yard, but no one was home. May we drop one off?

at 8:58 PM, October 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Winburn, please call when a "Vote Yes on 27" sign is placed in your yard. I volunteer to remove it and replace it with a "Vote NO on 27". We conservatives are opposed to the bloated taj Mahal jail palace for Simon Lies, and the two Pork Commissioners.

at 10:02 AM, October 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't worry - we won't put a sign there unless we are given permission.

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