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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Do you believe a position on Council should be used as a platform for national issues?

No. I have no problem with council members having political opinions about national issues. Actually, that is what makes us a unique bunch, and it makes it fun to work together. However, I believe our job is to take care of our city and to provide basic services to our citizens. When we waste time arguing or passing resolutions about national issues, we do a disservice to our citizens. The time is far better spent figuring out how solve our problems at the local level.


at 1:09 PM, October 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really think that it is an "either or" proposition.

The saying that "all politics are local," just doesn't hold in the era of a large federal government that hands out its largess (read, "pork.") based upon totally arbitrary rationale.

That pork could be very helpful to a number of local intiatives that would serve the citizenry well. There is going to have to be a certain amount of political posturing by the local representatives to align themselves (OK, "suck up to") those federal representatives who can earmark bills with support for local projects.

By echoing the sentiments of various federally elected representatives, the local governement types offer the federal rep support, not just for the national issue at hand but, ultimately, for their re-election, by keping the federal rep's pet issues in the news on the home front.

The reward for that support on the local level is federal funding for local projects.

at 1:26 PM, October 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 3:06 PM, October 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't discuss National Politics until you learn how to run Hamilton County and the City of Cinti first.

at 3:21 PM, October 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Banks project is a financial disaster:
- AIG was in the know and pulled out because it was not an economically feasible project
- Carter and Dawson will only proceed if the public subsidy is high enough to guarantee them profits.
- The Old White Money on 4th and 5th street are fighting Banks development because they don’t won’t competition for their obsolete office space.
What a colossal SNAFU!

If the City and Council are going to fund the projects and take all the risks, why doesn’t the public keep ownership too? We gave Paul Brown Stadium away to the Brown Family and GBP to the Reds. Why are we giving The Banks Away too?

at 11:52 AM, October 03, 2007 Blogger Fordo said...

Ms. Ghiz - Thank you for your answer to my question. I'm glad to see that you understand that the Cincinnati City Council's mission is not on a national level, that we elect others to represent us at that level and that your time is best spent at the local level. I appreciate you taking the time to address my concern.

I'm afraid "Anonymous" who replied at 1:09 PM, October 02, 2007, did not understand the gist of the question, that being should a CCC elected official bring up and address national & international issues in the role of City Councilman/woman. These are best left to the representative we elect at that level.

Again, thank you for your response.

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