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Monday, October 01, 2007

John Eby on Defining Community

Jenny Edwards, West End asked:
We have 52 recognized communities in Cincinnati. How do you define community?

My response:
I have been walking door-to-door in almost every neighborhood in the city since May. It has been a life changing experience and has altered my definition of community. What I have come to realize is that all too often we define ourselves (or we let others define us) by the boundaries of the community we choose to within. My pilgrimage through some of our nicest and some of our roughest neighborhoods has changed me. Now when I think of community I like to think in terms of a larger, more inclusive and tolerant Cincinnati.

I believe that we need to think of ourselves as Cincinnatians; as people who embrace the ideas of the citizen soldier Cincinnatus
. We are people who embrace common sense, urban community living, and accountability (a fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work). We strive for a peace of mind that allows a comfortable night of sleep. We seek “real life” solutions to problems like crime, affordable housing, and lack of opportunity. We are a spiritual community that includes many faith denominations. We are hopeful for a better tomorrow. We all basically want “the same thing"- An honest commitment to solving the problems that keep us from completely enjoying the American Dream.



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