
Today at the Forum
Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

David Wells,
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Monday, October 15, 2007

Melanie Bates: The Banks

The Banks deal is the city's most immediate important development priority. It's also the city's most political; the Cincinnati Public Schools' ten year $1 billion Facilities Master Plan is the largest public works project in the city's history and receives scant attention by comparison. There are other developments in the city that are very important but also are flying under the radar screen, such as the new Burnet Avenue Business District in Avondale and the University Village in Corryville. All of these are making steady progress towards completion -- development can and does take place in our city.

The Banks is a hot potato that will probably be passed along and continue to be politicized until after the election. Perhaps the political volatility needs to wane to allow support to build among council members so there is eventual compromise and consensus on the deal. As a nonincumbent I have not received the information and briefings that current council members have on the Banks deal, so it is difficult to give wholehearted support to the current proposal, but in general I support the Banks project as an enhancement to downtown.


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