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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Counting votes on your fingers

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is proposing a novel way to ensure the integrity of elections – count ballots by hand.

Well, not all of them. What Brunner is wants, according to a story in the Columbus Dispatch, is for 11 counties to volunteer to do hand counts of 7 percent of the votes cast in each of those counties. These hand “audits” would presumably give the public confidence in the results spit out in the regular tabulations of Ohio’s assortment of paper ballots-optical scanners and touch-screen voting machines. At least it will give them confidence if the hand counts match those of the machines.

I applaud Brunner’s initiative, although I am not sure how she decided on 7 percent and 11 counties. Anything that would improve Ohio’s distressing election rumors of lost and miscounted votes would be welcomed. I do take issue with Brunner’s stated desire to do away with the touch-screens before the November election, however. She has said the machines make Ohio’s votes unreliable.

Statements like that from top officials help create the doubts she now wants to alleviate with the hand-count audits.


at 6:31 PM, March 25, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what happens when the 7% sample vote of 11 counties does not statistically correlate with the machine counted votes of the entire state? Should the rest of the country wait for a 100% hand recount? Which is more trust worthy, human error/corruption or machine error?

This vote counting experiment should be tested as a trial, AFTER the electoral college is concluded, and before any implementation during a presidential election. You don't experiment during a real election.

per Anonymous Blowhard.

at 7:45 AM, March 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the touch screens without a paper trail. That should be a done deal already and thank goodness she has the courage to say it.

Prevent crossover voting in primaries as even the Boston Globe has reported on.

Nothing wrong with an audit - let's hope she gets it. This state appears to be up to some monkey business in the wake of the corrupt Ken Blackwell's time in office. Her record is clean at this time and to fault someone for wanting an audit, is not comprehensible, unless you have some other agenda.

at 8:52 AM, March 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems pretty clear to me what Secretary Brunner is trying to do. With the unfounded claims of problems with touch screen machines, an unusual call for a voluntary audit, and alleged but unproven problems with the primary, Ms. Brunner, A Democrat, is stetting the stage for a court challenge of the General Election coming up in November. If Ohio does not go to to the Democrats in the presidential election, you can count on Ms. Brunner going to court to challenge the results.

at 9:55 AM, March 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If memory serves, Ms. Brunner made the statement about the inaccuracy of the voting machines quite some time ago, before she asked for this audit. So it would seem that she read of the issue with her statement, or perhaps has thought about proving her point, and now wants to take the necessary steps to assure Ohio voters that our election system is indeed honest and true. For that, I say, GOOD!

No, she shouldn't wait until after the election. She should do exactly what she is doing, which is making sure THIS election isn't rigged, as many have claimed 2000 and 2004 were. Again, I say, GOOD!

I fully understand this region's hatred of all things Democrat. Ms. Brunner is spitting on those opinions, and of course that won't do for perpetuating the hate policy. But I'm very glad to see that she is doing all she can to make this an upright state and to keep the upcoming election an honest one. Too bad the region's Republicans couldn't do that when they lied and crossed over in the March primary.

Good things come to those who wait. Instant gratification is not appropriate when voting for the leader of this country, and we should not expect our millions of votes to be instantly reported. Learn some patience, folks. I'd rather have it right than have it fast. A little waiting for the truth won't kill any of you, even those who insist on lying, fraud, and hate to get their way.

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