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Monday, March 24, 2008

Playing dodgeball on casino referendum

Enquirer political reporter Pat Crowley reports today on a last-ditch effort by Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear to get a referendum on the ballot to find out if Kentucky voters want casino gambling in the state. The odds -- pun intended -- appear slim, but Beshear rallied a number of politicians, educators and business leaders to pressure legislators to pass a bill.

Some of those playing dodgeball, apparently in hopes that the issue will go away, are in the Northern Kentucky delegation. State Sen. Jack Westwood comes to mind. From Crowley's story:

"I don't hear a lot of people in the Senate expressing any real desire to vote on this bill," said Sen. Jack Westwood, R-Crescent Springs. Westwood said he is uncertain about the issue until he sees the version that passes the House.

I have a suggestion for Sen. Westwood, because I'm not grasping how any fair-minded person can oppose letting the process go forward. All of Kentucky needs to know either way, and casino gambling will have a huge impact on Northern Kentucky.

Westwood could clearly support the concept of letting the voters decide without being for or against casino gambling itself. He could actively work to see that a referendum bill with good wording gets through the Senate sooner rather than later. He could match his genuine concern for fetal development with greater concern for economic development.

It's time for leadership. The only reasons to postpone this referendum are bad ones.


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