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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

When Coach is another kid

There are plenty of good reasons school districts are looking outside their own teaching ranks to find coaches and club advisers. Many teachers want to spend their after-school hours focusing on lesson planning or collaborating with colleagues. Some take evening college courses. Others want to be involved in their own children's lives.

But school districts have to think a little smarter than Goshen High School did when it hired 19-year-olds as coaches. Police say Andrew Emerson, a teenage assistant football coach, hosted an alcohol-fueled party attended by students. And cheerleading coach Victoria Schattauer not only snapped a picture of a 15-year-old cheerleader topless, but peeled off her shirt and joined in the shot.

Someone sent the photo to a male friend's phone from which it was -- who could have imagined this? -- passed along from cell phone to cell phone.

Come on, Goshen. Asking teenagers to supervise other teenagers is a risky move. Thinking that it won't lead to social complications is a naive one. Schools get sued routinely as it is. Why invite more trouble?


at 3:51 PM, November 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me...lets give credit to the majority of 19 year olds who would take their position of authority and their job seriously and not participate in such a stupid and illegal action. Isn't it illegal to not hire someone based upon their age anyway?? These two clowns are prime examples of goof offs who have not grown up and were thrust in the very public eye by their actions. Hopefully they learned a lesson AND were not planning a career in education.

at 12:33 AM, November 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's completely wrong to cast doubts on all 19 year-olds just because we found 2 of them that are irresponsible. Young adults can add a lot to a program, even if these 2 specific adults add nothing more than juvenile delinquency. Judge the individual, not the group.

The fact is plenty of older adults have messed up in worse ways. Do we ban all adults from coaching?

Maybe the parents should do a better job of monitoring where and with who their 15 year-old kid parties with, and teach her something about not taking nude pictures of herself. What about the age 21+ adult who bought the alcohol for the 19 year-old punks?

This didn't even happen on school grounds, it was a private gathering off campus. Not sure how the school's hiring policies get blamed for this one. To Goshen's credit, they fired the coaches, disciplined the kid, and reported the issue to the authorities as soon as they learned what happened. The school district seems to have done everything they can to make things right.

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