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Monday, November 05, 2007

It was no pile-on

Was it just good old fashioned, go-for-the-jugular debating or unnecessarily rough political campaigning in which a bunch of male candidates ganged up on their lone female competitor, leaving her looking flustered and peevish?

That question continues to reverberate after last week's Democratic debate in which front-runner Hilary Clinton took rapid-fire challenges from some of her male opponents.

Former Vice Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro thinks it was out-and-out sexism. "We can't let them do this in a presidential race," she said. "We have got to stand up. It's discrimination against her as a candidate because she's a woman."

Some political analysts say Ferraro's statement and Clinton's later appearance at a press conference wearing boxing gloves -- "Six guys against Hilary," said the man introducing her -- are calculated to win sympathy from female voters.

I think it's a stretch to read sexism into the "attack." The other candidates found a weakness they've been waiting to exploit, a sense that Clinton is too good of a politician, too able to walk alongside a messy issue without getting her feet dirty. They highlighted it. That's good debating in my book.


at 1:03 AM, November 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is an arrogant fool propped up by her husband and fawning media (Barbara, Katie, Rosie, et.al) Here's hoping she gets her comeuppance and the Dems elect a real leader.

at 4:19 PM, November 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to sit in the Oval Office you can't expect special treatment (deference?) because you are a woman. Hillary shouldn't get the job if she can't carry a debate with the men. As a world leader, the President will not be interacting with only other women.

at 8:01 PM, November 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary "didn't have her best day" by her own admission. Her opponents call her out on her double-speak - and Slick, media, etc, say that's sexist.
Men aren't allowed to say anything bad about the Hill >> that's sexist!

at 8:17 AM, November 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is a POLITICIAN, first and foremost. Which means that the best of 'em can spin, twist, and capitalize on anything batted their way. That's what the boxing gloves were all about, a big photo op.

"Sexism" is like all the other buzz words now: "gay marriage", "orange alert", etc. etc. ad nauseam. They are used to get YOU AND ME positioned like the Pavlovian, TV watching dogs we are.

Do the homework, check her record of public service in detail, and vote for her if she's the best.

However, let the buyer beware; in our celebrity culture, you never know what you're really looking at until after you elect them.
The only exception recently has been GWB, since he looked "cracked" and sure 'nuf was/is. This last observation courtesy of my 80 yr. old mother, circa 1999/2000.

at 12:42 PM, November 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely beware...Considering half of the democratic "hopefuls" voted against a bill that would make English "The National Language" of The United States. How could we support some person like that?

at 8:40 AM, November 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 8:17 AM Anon. To the poster right after me:

Thanks for the example. That's exactly what I mean - check details and love them or hate them. And now, add another layer: WHY do they do these things? Political expediency in Washington has got to be the biggest menace our system faces. Sometimes I think they are in an echo chamber in Congress with closed circuit TVs. Do they know we're out here assigning importance to things we hear?

Personally, I think the national language thing is another here-today-gone-tomorrow issue when it comes right down to it since the educational system is the real thing to be addressed, BUT point taken, you can be sure.

Frankly, I'm an unreconstructed New Deal Democrat mostly because I haven't had time to thoughtfully reconstruct yet. It needs tinkering but I will NOT throw the baby out with the bathwater. After I get through with a one million page tax form and trying to figure out my health insurance, I'm too tired to monkey with my political theories. Even so, I wanted to smack Chuck Schumer into the middle of next week for being a gutless wonder on the Mukasey issue. BUT why did he do it? I suspect Justice is so screwed up by now, that leadership of any kind looks better than a big void. I don't know though, I wouldn't want that on my voting record.

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