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Sunday, November 04, 2007


I would like to take this time to thank the people of Cincinnati and the Tri State for helping me in this run for City Council. The campaign started in January, just before the sudden passing of my wife of thirty years, plus, Kathleen, as a grassroots organization of immediate family and neighbors. Soon it grew to seventeen, then twenty three, and many of those faces were seen at summer church festivals. The hardest workers were my three daughters Tashia, Kelly, and Alex. Without them I would have been in trouble. They were ALWAYS there for me as we are a strong family. And granddaughter Hope was a big help, and a lot of fun.

Also, my sincere thanks go to my friends, neighbors, and others (six hundred of them) who kindly gave me permission to place campaign signs in their yards throughout Cincinnati. Words will never express how thankful I am. God Bless you all. And thank you for putting your trust in me as a independent grassroots candidate. I will remove the signs in short time as promised.

And my final thanks go to the handful of candidates who, behind closed doors actually helped me in this campaign. Though we have different platforms and approaches to Council, we do have the most important thing in common, WE ARE RUNNING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS.

Thank you all for getting involved in the process...

Steve Pavelish for FULL TIME City Council.


at 10:51 PM, November 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, Please try again next time.
You make a lot of sense but you know, if you're not supported by "special interests", you really don't have a chance.

It might be hard, but consider sucking up to say ... the Bengals, Simon, Towne Properties, etc. Get elected & then just do what you really believe in. Or maybe you'll get elected & the power will go to your head & you'll become "one-of-them".

at 9:03 PM, November 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. I will run again in '09 and the campaign begins soon. The biggest problem is my lack of name recognition. I must work on that. And my campaign was at times too negative. I made mistakes in this race. But I'm really a happy go lucky guy in private life. I've had a great life. I had a fun campaign. And thank you for being involved. to be continued...

Steve Pavelish

at 11:40 PM, November 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a great guy. Your ideas for this city are amazing. I'm so sorry you didn't win this time. I will vote for you AGIAN in 09.

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