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Sunday, November 04, 2007


It's showtime and time to vote. All the candidates have chimed in with with bold promises, recycled plans, and magical solutions to move Cincinnati to the" next level". We have entered (trespassed) your homes with mass mailings of literature, radio ads, TV ads, door to door visitations, and the all famous (disturbing) robo-calls. The landscape is littered with campaign yard signs (some the size of sheets of plywood) and the even bigger billboards. Some candidates have yard signs in approved locations and some candidates prefer to" litter" the right of way along the City streets. And some candidates (or their staff) remove other candidates' signs (and blame it on kids). City politics has a "dark" side that somewhat caught me by surprise. I have run an honest campaign. I have run a respectful campaign. And I am running for the RIGHT reasons. Others, I'm not so sure...My campaign is based on a true grassroots effort, representing all people, all neighborhoods, all the time. My campaign has been free of political party and big money influence. Others, I'm not so sure...

Maybe the biggest surprise to me is that we are a city and nation who depends on government so much. If the schools need improvement, "Oh, a new government plan, policy, and testing will be the fix." I rarely hear the suggestion of personal responsibility and family involvement. And if we need to bring back our traditional neighborhoods, "Oh, we need a City plan. Lets assemble a focus group," and another tax levy to pay for it, instead of (what we should do) using the private sector and private assets to begin and complete the work. Yes, we now rely on government to think and do almost everything for us. Personal responsibility, respect, education, family, and the love of God seems "old fashion" and maybe a thing of the past. Yes, the politicians who come up with the "great" new government proposals and policies are the favored candidates and get the endorsements and media coverage. Yes, these are the "great thinkers". But the truth is, folks, that 42 years of too much government is the problem. 42 years of too much government had destroyed or nation, city, neighborhoods, schools, family, and faith.

But we are a capable people. We can do well all by ourselves. Our lives are best managed when government is a partner and no more. And City Council should learn to deliver the BASIC services and do it well before moving on to other ventures. And please keep in mind that in the last few months you have heard ideas and proposals from NOT THE GREATEST MINDS IN CINCINNATI, BUT THE BEST POLITICIANS...

FINAL QUESTION: How did we go from the "MOST LIVABLE" city of just a dozen or so years ago to the THIRD POOREST??

Cincinnati, be careful. Please be careful... God Bless you all.

Steve Pavelish for FULL TIME, ACCESSIBLE Cincinnati City Council


at 2:01 PM, November 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pavelish- your campaign signs are illegal.

Your signs imply you are on council- you must have a "For Council" or "Elect Pavelish" to Council.

Pepper got busted for the same thing.

And your signs are in the right of way in many locations.

at 11:26 PM, November 04, 2007 Blogger pavelish said...

My signs were approved by legal council before ordered. And they use the same wording as other candidates signs except for the FULL TIME part. I've bent over backward to run an honest campaign and how dare you (hiding your I.D)suggest otherwise. You have NO idea how difficult it is to be true to my Christian faith to keep it above board in this DIRTY business of campaigning. I get sick and tired of politicians lying to the people of MY city. I get sick and tired of politicians playing politics with my City , my family , and Cincinnati's future. Everyday there is a challenge. And yes, I have a dozen or so signs in the public right of way. That is only to compete with others that were there first.

Steve Pavelish FULL TIME City Council


at 2:55 AM, November 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes, the politicians who come up with the "great" new government proposals and policies are the favored candidates and get the endorsements and media coverage."

Yes, Pavelish, and such candidates SHOULD be favored. Do you not understand that people who run for public office are doing so to make public policy? Your job (and government's job) isn't to raise my family.

If you want to preach family values and faith in God, then get ordained as a minister. I don't need a Council candidate telling me these things.

at 8:49 AM, November 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you make a good point about going from "most livable" to "third poorest." That's pretty stark when you put it that way.

at 8:53 AM, November 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the type of emotinally stable person I would want to vote for.

Of course, I won't be voting for Cinti City council as I live outside the city limits and am more thankful every day that I do.

at 10:52 AM, November 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to see a candidate who cares and has some fire and guts. Maybe Cincy needs more of that

at 6:36 AM, November 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pavelish makes a good point on the wrong direction that we are going

at 1:06 AM, November 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pavelish, you are a loser and not fit to govern GO AWAY, STAY AWAY !!

at 2:27 PM, November 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The loser part is probably true and the vote count shows that but I will be back in '09. The emails and phone calls that I am receiving asking me to run in '09 sure out weight the above comment by Mr. Anon 1:06 Nov 7 (probably someone from another campaign). The campaign begins now...

Steve Pavelish '09

at 11:51 PM, November 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve I think you ran a great campaign, especially for someone running for political office their very first time. You are right about anon 1:06 am. It probally is just another politician or their staff. He is the one who sounds like a loser....get a life or go to bed or something if at 1:06am that is the only kind of thing you have to say. I bet he doesn't talk like that face to face...only behind his anonymous....LOSER!!

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