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Sunday, November 04, 2007

On November 6, Vote for John Eby

Alexis de Tocqueville stated ,” The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens.” On Election Day the greatest of these functions-Voting- will decide the health of Cincinnati as a new city council will be elected. Like all of the candidates I strongly encourage each of you to exercise this right and privilege that keeps the “democratic experiment” and the American Dream vibrantly alive. It was President John F. Kennedy who urged us “ to seek not the Republican or Democratic answer, but the right answer.”

My campaign has stressed that many of our issues are not democratic or republican issues. They are human issues. I utilize and believe in words like opportunity, inclusion, and diversity. I have promoted building bridges not only on the business/economic level but more so on the human level. All council candidates talk about development. I stressed the most important of all development- human development. What do our decisions do for our citizens? How do they support and promote the general good? Fifteen years ago I chose to live in the city because I wanted a diverse community for my children. I wanted them to experience the greater Cincinnati that I did when I was growing up.

I’ve challenged you to imagine a Greater Cincinnati . A Cincinnati where clean safe streets are the norm. A Cincinnati where quality educational opportunities are there for all children. A Cincinnati where market rate affordable housing can create a higher quality of life for our citizens. A Cincinnati where better jobs lead to better pay and better services for all our citizens.

The great communicator, President Ronald Reagan, reminded us that “Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things. Freedom is the understanding that allows us to recognize shortcomings and seek solutions.” The Cincinnati Enquirer endorsed me as a “doer.” The endorsement further said,” Eby may be the hardest-working and best prepared candidate out there. Eby has advanced specific, well thought out proposals. Eby is collaborative. Eby studies issues thoroughly with an engineer’s eye for detail and function.” I am honored by such words. I’m willing to do the best that I can do in seeking solutions to the shortcomings of Cincinnati . It’s time to stop imagining and start realizing our dreams. I’m John Eby and I’m running for city council. Exercise your freedom to vote. Be part of those seeking solutions.


at 9:08 AM, November 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, well, most of the parents of CPS students do not pay real estate taxes. So when they vote, they vote for others to pay for their childrens' education. 5000 families are CMHA residents alone. And, these are the same folks who support Democrat candidates who are mostly against school vouchers.

And, if you ever went up to the CPS offices, you wouldn't believe the hundreds of useless retainers sitting around up there doing next to nothing and getting fat of our tax dollars.

Finally, the CPS students deserve reform schools. They have done nothing to deserve our sacrifices.

So for my part, I can't see voting for the CPS levy.

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