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Friday, November 30, 2007

It must have been something I ate

I guess I put too much Szechuan spice in the stir-fry the other night, because I had the most awful nightmare …

I dreamed I was watching this YouTube debate on CNN among the GOP presidential hopefuls, you see, and it turned into a sort of partisan ambush where the real attacks didn’t come from among the rival candidates, but through the questions posed to them.
There was this retired general who not only got to ask them a “have you stopped beating your wife”-style question about gays in the military, but was the only person allowed to stand up live in the audience and make a speech about the issue. It turned out he was a “plant,” an activist who cochairs a support group for Hillary Clinton’s campaign – a fact that CNN, in a huge lapse of either ethics or intelligence or both, failed to disclose and few in the media bothered to note. He then told CNN that "these guys are just partisanly homophobic" (partisanly?), so he couldn't have actually been interested in their responses in the first place.
But oh, that wasn’t all. Cyber-question after cyber-question chosen by CNN came in the form of hostile “gotchas” from people who, as you could tell by their tone and demeanor, already knew they weren’t going to like any answer these candidates gave. There’s a reason: This was a Republican debate on Democratic terms. A Barack Obama supporter’s question led listeners to believe he was a member of the Log Cabin Republicans. A former intern for a Democratic House member asked about crop subsidies. A student who asked about “criminalizing abortion” posted a photo of herself wearing a John Edwards campaign shirt. And on and on.
But the most frightening was the question by a sneering guy from Dallas, sticking the spine of a copy of the Holy Bible into the lens of his Webcam and snippily demanding – as if to say, How can anyone be so stewpid – of the candidates, “Do … you … believe … EVERY … WORD … OF … THIS … BOOK!” Meanwhile, somewhere in the background I swear I heard Barbara Walters pleading with Jimmy Carter to “be good to us” …

Then I woke up in a sweat, and realized it must have been a dream – because, as we all know, there is no such thing as media bias.


at 6:32 PM, November 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to break the news, but the indigestion you're feeling is about seven years old and started the day the bush crime family stole the 2000 election.

for the record, the general is a log cabin republican and came out of the closet after he retired. he was not a plant by the democrats, as if somehow that makes neocon homophobia and hate somehow more acceptable.

bottom line, is that what you call media bias is all in your imagination. the main stream media is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the corporatists and it does their bidding, always painting the republicans as doing good and the democrats as doing bad. its been a long time since it presented a fair and balanced picture.

the real question for you mr. cooklis is why you don't have nightmares over a set of republican candidates who are tripping over themselves to see who is the most hateful, who is the most superstitious, and who wants to shred the constitution into the smallest pieces.

at 11:25 AM, December 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willie Horton, Swiftboat, baking chocolate chip cookies, Cleland is unpatriotic, ...... I gotta go. I'm busy. Post something serious.

I always feel like you underestimate your readership, Mr. Cooklis, and that you rely on short memories, and inflamed feelings about dopey push-button issues. I mean, it is an editorial page, and you're more than welcome, but it seems like a huge, petty waste of breath.

at 12:43 PM, December 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Ray, you're not going to like this...the BEST question of the bunch was from the "sneering' guy in Dallas. I personally refuse to vote for another presidential candidate who refuses to submit his authority to Almighty God. I don't care what political party he or she hails from, that's totally irrelevant since both are full of sinners and neither holds God's favor. Belief in God and His supreme authority is the only matter that is important today, the only one! Fix this, and everything else will fall into place.

The #1 problem with this country today is that we have removed God from it in ever increasing ways, and our socety has evolved into the mess it is today because of that one thing. So yes. DO YOU BELIEVE EVERY WORD OF THE BIBLE? DO YOU LIVE THOSE WORDS? I don't want to hear lip service; I want to see proven public record of fact to substantiate the claim.

If you (candidates for President) do believe in God, His Holy Word, and His proper place as ruler over this nation and all others on Earth, then tell us; there are many of us who will consider voting for you.

at 9:19 PM, December 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I read the above comment I am now finally being informed on what the words PROGRESSIVE and PROUD mean... WOW. And speaking of causing indigestion...

at 10:28 PM, December 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rank and file journalists are so unapologetically Democratic it is beyond compare. Even MSNBC is in Hillary/ Obama swoon. The past 6 months have been a PR effort to divide GOP and destroy crdible opposition to Hillary, so that her likely 44-45% max voye total wins over Repub/3rd party.

at 5:40 PM, December 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Cooklis,

Sincwe you have mentioned CNN's failure to disclose things, would you care to address your paper's continuous failure to disclose that your President Margaret Buchanan is on the board of 3CDC as your paper writes glowing reveiews of eveything they do.

For instance, your paper failed to report that city council gave up our garage revenue for 40 years to 3CDC. Your paper only reported the $4 million the city gave 3CDC. That is a major omission.

at 5:42 PM, December 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Enquirer is the most biased paper in the nation!

We were real impressed by your endorsement of Ken Blackwell.

at 7:56 AM, December 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:19 - Don't understand. Are ya "for or agin" Mr. Cooklis' position?

BTW, all political debates and other staged events between "the haves" (politicians, media, corporations) are meant to set us "have nots" (you and me, and baby makes three....) against one another. Not consciously, not ruthlessly, but just enough so that they can all seamlessly swap high paying jobs for the immediate future, while we get a little thrill from feeling passionate about some dopey issue. A media person conducting a debate in a Santa costume? Good Lord. It's like they all got degrees from clown college.

Generally, I don't sign off, but today, I'll call myself:


(That's America's real gift: no mind control and relative ease of mobility).

at 12:16 PM, December 03, 2007 Blogger herekittykitty said...

Try to be a brave little soldier about this, Ray. These candidates are innocently staking out positions on things like torture, sending other people's children off to war, and bombing countries that are rumored to have civilians among the population. To force them to answer questions from the hoi polloi, some of whom may have been from - will the brutality never end! - another party? Why it's an outrage. Perhaps Peter Bronson will allow you a few minutes on his Media Bias Fainting Couch if he's not using it right now. At least until the sobbing stops. Oh, cruel world!

at 9:17 PM, December 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an observation: the most recent debate on CNN wherein the first 40% was spent on the subject of immigration reform/illegal immigration thoroughly ignored what most Americans are interested in: 1) healthcare and 2) Iraq, and concentrated on something that just might boost its own ratings and those of that truth bender, Lou Dobbs. CNN sold it's soul, that's for sure.

So, rather than bias, think ratings, ratings,ratings = $$$$ cha-ching!

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