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Friday, November 30, 2007

KY smoking ban gets surprising support

Political observers say the chances of Kentucky adopting a statewide smoking ban are about as likely as the University of Kentucky dropping basketball, but who would ever have predicted that one of the early supporters would be a business group?

That's what has happened as the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce adopted a position supporting a statewide smoking ban in "most" public places, and our story today talks about the reasons why -- primarily from a standpoint of workplace health and the costs to employers of smoking-related illnesses.

State Sen. Damon Thayer, a Georgetown Republican who supports almost everything the Chamber backs, had a two-word response last night at a Chamber meeting: "No dice." He went so far as to say he would actively work against any such measure. He argued that the free market already is dealing with smoking in many respects, and that any regulation belongs at the local level.

I should disclose here that I'm on the Chamber board of directors. I hate to sound like a politician, but I'm torn on this issue. I voted against the specific proposal, because it made me uncomfortable in general, and I thought "most public places" was too vague. I'm a former smoker who hates being around smoke, but I have a libertarian streak that bubbles up on issues such as this.

Those who find the Chamber's position odd should note that a member survey on the subject received an amazing response. About 800 members out of about 2,000 responded and nearly two-thirds of those responding favored some type of ban.

What do you think? You can respond here, or to a discussion board we've attached to today's story.


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