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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Baby steps in Pakistan

President General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan is now just plain old President and maybe dictator for life. He took off his uniform and shed the formal command of the army Wednesday when he handed over his ceremonial baton to a hand-picked army successor.

The Bush administration called this “a good step” in restoring democracy to one of our key allies in the War on Terror.

A few other “good steps” are still in order – releasing all the dissidents he’s locked up, restoring the judges he’s fired, ungagging the press he’s muzzled and holding a truly fair parliamentary election on Jan. 8. The definition of fair would be one in which someone opposed to Musharraf has an actual chance of getting elected.

Pakistan is still under the state of emergency Musharraf declared on Nov. 3. The emergency was that a lot of people were suggesting the country would be better off without him. The United States is willing to put up with this “one-step-at-a-time” routine because we fear the alternative to Musharraf might be a radical Islamic state hostile to our interests.

Except the radical Islamist appeal is only strengthened by Musharraf’s abuse of power. We better hope he takes a few more “good steps” soon, or our interests could be trampled under a real stampede of resentment.


at 11:36 AM, November 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, where has the negative reporting on the Iraq War been the last 3 months? Aren't we do for some negative reporting about the lost cause in Iraq?

If the real news is not bad, why do you choose not to report the improving and good news?

at 12:52 PM, December 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the Bush administration is all for the leader of the country NOT ruling the military, perhaps W should practice his words, relinquish Commander-In-Chief, and GET OUT OF THE WAY so someone qualified can get us out of the Iraqi mess he got us into. If it's good enough for our allies, it should be good enough for us, too. But then, some of our allies don't believe in the death penalty, and they provide health care and free high-quality education for all their citizens, too. And most of them were against going to Iraq...they were all expecting us to go to Afghanistan. (which we should have done, if this had been an honest war with a truthful purpose).


at 1:56 PM, December 02, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've missed your nonsensical postings Anon 12:52 pm. Where have you been?

Let's see. Long live socialism. Long live dictatorships. And by the way let’s subvert the US constitution by fiat and take Commander-In-Chief authority away from the USA president.

Long Live Communism for the masses whether they want it or not.

What a joy you are to read, I'm still laughing.

at 8:18 AM, December 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pakistan was a terrorist harbor on September 10, 2001, most especially it's military of which PM was a part. If GWB wanted to invade something, it should have been Pakistan and Afghanistan; one can't help but wonder whether that would have upset some sort of oil pipeline scheming/planning/debate taking place in the region post-collapse of the Soviet Union. Unocal, for one, admits dealing with the Taliban in the mid-90s in a cold-eyed corporate way, and to date, those oil reserves in all of the "stans" remain pretty much untapped.

So, now we have the silly spectacle of GWB advising PM to change his outfit. Or maybe it's a good idea, that's what GWB did on the aircraft carrier. But, big difference: PM's new costume has been ceremoniously stripped of the codpiece so effectively added to GWB's pilot garb; so PM had better be ready for some defensive moves. Ouch.

at 10:44 AM, December 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush didn't invade Pakistan for precisely the reasons pointed out in 8:18 Dec. 3rd's post. He is a master of bullying and pushing others to do what he wants, come hell or high water. He also, for those of you with lemming brains and no retention, bankrupted three different companies before getting into politics. Now look at the country. The national debt, the housing mess, etc....the only reason the USA isn't bankrupt is because they own the printing presses, so they make more money to cover Bush's financial ineptitude. And the value of the dollar continues to shrink against the Euro, and never had any chance against the Pound.

With this track record, how can we trust this guy with the lives of our fighting sons and daughters? If he runs the military like he does the budget, we're doomed. And, that's what he's doing, exactly...to the tune of almost 4,000 American lives lost. That's a loss of let's see, conservatively about $120,000,000.00 in earnings per year, $33,600,000.00 in Federal tax money per year, 6,000 children, which would have become wage earners...etc, etc. You do the math. You'll see just how much this war on the wrong enemy has really cost this mighty country.

You also must remember that there are some out there in this country who think Bush had something to do with 9/11. It's already proven fact that Bush intended to overthrow Hussein when he took office, long before 9/11; it was the #1 foreign policy item on his agenda. The guy had intel on the terror problem from the previous administration. Not much, but he had some. And he totally ignored it, because it didn't give him what he needed to go get Saddam.

As for our country practicing what it preaches where military command is concerned (or where anything else is concerned), well wouldn't that be novel? I don't find that post mad or Communist at all. They didn't say any of the garbage you replied with at all, nor do they believe in the things you've accused them of believing. But then, I know that poster, they are a member of my family; they are pro-life, proud to be American but ashamed of our leadership. (That's a growing sentiment, duh...) It's obvious you don't know the poster. Just because you don't agree with them, that doesn't make either of you right or wrong. And it doesn't give you the right to twist their words in some Liberal scheme to insult a stranger. What they said was that Bush has no right to tell others how to run their countries' military organizations when he's certainly not qualified to run ours. That's not Communism, that's merely the truth. And if caring for the sick, poor, homeless, convicts, and the elderly is socialist, then Jesus was a socialist, because those directives are straight out of the Bible, which that poster reads daily. So put away your ignorance stick.

at 8:28 PM, December 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Bush may end up being the BEST thing that ever happened to this country. The backlash sentiment on nearly every subject tempts me to think that people have been slumbering for a long time, letting the democracy drift. It took some REAL ineptitude to push it so far that it's visibly broken. Bush AND 9/11, I mean. An internal disaster and an external attack: maybe we'll really roll up our sleeves and get grassroots informed(the internet is the best - you can read everything and not just your local news paper) and interested. Or not....

at 9:01 AM, December 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Musharraf and/or the army may have taken some more "good steps" today.

I don't have a stake in internal Pakistani politics, and was not necessarily in Bhutto's corner, but I can see what happened, clear as day.

So before we get another round of editorials about how "the terrorists" those nameless, faceless, random haters, have struck again, let's assume a bit of complex backstory here.

RIP Bhutto

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