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Friday, October 05, 2007

Winburn on Solving the Jail Issue

Question: It the sales tax to fund a new jail is overturned by voters on Election Day, what do you propose council does to deal with the shortage of jail space?

I will work to be one of the key leaders establishing a win-win team which will bring to the table the city and county, the county sheriff and prosecutor, COAST, the NAACP, the FOP, the Cincinnati Business Committee and other opposing groups to work out a proposal to resolve this jail expansion issue once and for all.

This new win-win coalition will work together to develop a strategic jail plan for building a new jail as well as funding the project. We can accomplish more through collaboration, partnership and negotiation. Finally, if the decision is made by this coalition to raise the sales tax, it will be done in such a way that everyone will be onboard and in agreement before the decision is made to put it on the ballot. Bottom line: No more surprises.


at 3:07 PM, October 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the third ballot attempt to pass a sales tax to fund jail space, Simon Lies will have the tax increase up to 1.5%

And don't question his integrity. God said so.

at 5:02 PM, October 05, 2007 Blogger pavelish said...

Cincinnati voters is all areas of our City DO NOT want this Jail tax. The voters and property owners are fed up with tax, tax, tax. Plus this jail tax is just BAD MONEY. $800 million for less than 400 net cells. That's $2 million per cell. That's a bad investment for our tax payers. I know that the bulk of the money is for social problems but we have social agencies everywhere. For example, there are at least 150 social agencies in OTR itself (no one knows exactly how many). DO WE NEED MORE. And Crossroads Church is planning a FIVE ACRE social services agency campus in the West End. WOW

Yes we need a jail BUT NO to this jail plan. And didn't Boone County offer to house our jail overflow for about $36 a day. And isn't this about $20 less than anything Ohio offers. Boone County sounds like GOOD MONEY.


at 1:15 AM, October 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good ideas Charlie, except you have to leave Simon Leis out of the conversation. It is his visceral, poor leadership, and lack of integrity that has caused this debate to become so heated. He is simply incapable of dealing with anyone who doesn't kiss up to him.

Bringing a committee of diverse-minded people together after this ballot issues fails is a great idea to come up with a workable solution. But leave Simon Leis off it so the adults in the room can work together instead of get drawn into non-stop namecalling.

at 7:33 AM, October 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


More committees. More studies. More "coalitions". More hand-wringing. More arguing. More posturing. More delays.

How about action for once?

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