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Friday, October 05, 2007

Ghiz on Marijuana Ordinance

Question: Do any of the candidates have the spine to repeal the anti-marijuana ordinance as Justin Jeffre has promised to do?

It doesn't take a spine to repeal an ordinance, it takes 7 members of council. The Marijuana Ordinance has been highly successful over the past 15 months. During this time, the police, using the ordinance, have been able to confiscate over 100 illegal guns and millions of dollars of illegal drugs such as cocaine, crack, herion and meth anphetamine. Those 100 guns represent 100 less violent crimes that were committed in our city, and that is what counts.

What recreational marijuana smokers forget in this equation, is the fact that the pot comes from somewhere. And while you may not be harming anyone, you are perpetuating a drug trade that has plagued our city for far too long. The police aren't looking for you, they are looking for the dealers.


at 9:19 AM, October 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The police aren't looking for you, their looking for the dealers." To me that is a ridiculous statement. The police around Cincinnati would just as soon tackle you to the ground then taser you for smoking a cigarret in public. For me and most of the people I know, Marijuana is not a drug any more than Alcohol is. The fact that it is illegal makes no difference at all to me. I find most of the laws in this area to be excessive and needless. Sorry folks but the war on pot is a lot like the war in Iraq, useless and a waist of money.

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