
Today at the Forum
Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

David Wells,
Editorial Page Editor

Ray Cooklis,
Assistant Editorial Editor

Krista Ramsey,
Editorial Writer

Dennis Hetzel, General Manager,
Kentucky Enquirer/NKY.Com

Jim Borgman,
Editorial Cartoonist

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Today at the Forum: The Environment

Today at the Forum: The Environment
I share your enthusiasm that more people are talking about the environment. Going green requires thinking differently and taking action accordingly. As a community, there are at least four steps we can take:
1. Rethink public transportation. Move forward with streetcars (pun intended!)
2. Expand recycling to apartments and businesses.
3. Encourage sustainable building with recycled material designed for energy efficiency.
4. Offer free parking for hybrid cars at city meters and lots to recognize green thinking and to be recognized as a progressive eco-conscious city.
As individual, there are many steps that each resident can take:
1. Turn your computer off when not in use and save about 25% of the energy it would otherwise use.
2. Rely on cruise control to minimize acceleration and fuel consumption
3. Park the car and walk, bike or roller skate (until the street cars are running.)
4. Purchase locally grown produce and save the fuel and cost of shipping.
5. Skip the bottled water. The oil used to make plastic bottles for the USA is enough to fuel about 100,00 cars for one year.
6. Recycle. Get a free bin by calling 513 571-6000.
Change doesn’t always have to be big sweeping movements. The little things we do all add up. Thanks for being part of the solution.

Come to one of my events and we can talk more about thinking differently.
Joan Kaup, Charter Candidate for Cincinnati City Council


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