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Saturday, October 13, 2007

PAVELISH ON GRAFFITI (and other City concerns)

Graffiti is becoming more and more of a problem in our area and I suppose a problem in every city. I have experienced graffiti on my buildings several times and generally I paint over it myself. On one situation the City Graffiti Removal Team was involved and the experience was pleasant. I even have graffiti on one of my campaign signs. I continue to be amazed on how talented (but in the same time destructive) these " artists" are. And what a waste of talent. And what are they saying???

As I Councilmember , my staff and I pledge to be at City Hall FULL TIME and we will be there for you and make the necessary phone calls or e-mails to correct the problem whether the problem is graffiti, pot holes, or any City related concerns. Our people pay plenty of taxes and City services should be FIRST RATE... and there is plenty of work ahead to reach FIRST RATE.



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