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Friday, October 12, 2007

What about ciy council as a springboard to a greater political position?

Although I have no aspirations beyond election City Council, I think it is OK for young politicians to launch their political career from Council. They need the experience, and our city takes pride in residents doing well beyond our hometown. We haven’t had a Cincinnati president since William Howard Taft!

Between the lines, the frustration I read is not that many of our brightest move on to higher political office. It’s the seeming chaos of accomplishing little on council aside from furthering one’s career. With electoral system we have in place, every two years ALL council seats are up for grabs. That means a new council member is elected, has a few months to get up to speed with processes and procedures, a good year to focus on initiatives, neighborhoods, and making a difference. Then he or she has to focus on fundraising and campaigning. That leads to all nine council members working to save their jobs, defending their choices and asking for money. Who’s watching the business of the city?

If we implemented staggered terms (ensuring a sense of continuity and steady focus on the well-being of our city) and limits on campaign spending (putting the emphasis back on issues and results and less on deep pockets) we could reduce the chaos and build a stronger Cincinnati.

It’s worth a thought…

Joan Kaup, Charter Candidate for Cincinnati City Council
Thinking Differently


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